Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is it difficult being pysical?

"We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience", has been said many times and is so very true. But are we spiritual beings who are happy to be having a physical experience?

Many starseeds and beings from other origins than earth are having a hard time adjusting and accepting life as it is in the physical.

We originally came to earth to help and came with a different/higher vibration than what was present here. We came here with unique gifts that we wished to share with this planet and humanity. This wish was so strong that we were willing to come all the way from our precious homes far away, to incarnate in an unknown place which was under great negative impact.

What happened when we began incarnating here, was for most of us not at all what we expected!!

Through history people with different beliefs, thoughts, actions and vibrations have rarely been welcome. Actually, this time in history is one of the few times where it is not dangerous to be different. 
Most starseeds that I met, have in their past lives suffered a great deal of pain and many even torture and death, for being different and practicing spirituality in a different way. These experiences are most times kept in our soulmemory as shock or trauma. And in this way energy gets stuck in our system and keeps us repeating old patterns that come from these past experiences of terror.

What I experience a lot in my practice is lightworkers who are afraid or unaible to access their true powers or really step into power, working in this world as healers or what ever they are called for. A common way that we protect our selves is to not allow our selves to become conscious of our dreams an wishes for this life time, as we on a soul level believe it to be dangerous.

In every day life many of us also experience the grief of being afraid of being visible as who we are. Hiding, being ashamed, feeling judged, left out, unwanted for being different.
Guess what! You are different : ) We need to surrender to being different, because this was our gift to begin with. If we were not any different from the souls who were here on earth allready, we would not be of much help.

Many times starseed turn out to have even more trauma in their system than earthers. This due to past life/current life experiences of being different. This trauma shows up as blocks and restricktions in our lives. Fear, anger ,hiding, closed hearts and negativity showing up in our life experience.

For me a typical pattern would be, that my projects used to ALWAYS look like they were going to be a great succes, just untill the last minute, where they ALWAYS in some magical way failed. A very frustrating experience indeed, which left me devistated and really tired of this physical life experience.
This was do to beliefs that I was a failure and that my gifts were not of any use to any one. So I actually managed to sabotage my self constantly, totally unknowingly.

By working in the akashic records I have experinced how we can uncover the past experiences that cause grief in our lives and after uncovering them we can ask for them to be cleared from our records.
At first it seemed to good to be true. Until I and later on my clients had the experience of negativity just disapearing from our lives layer for layer as causes were uncovered in our records.

Akashic record work is an old spiritual tool that I and others have worked with in several past incarnations, in Egypt, India and other places. In many cases it was kept secret or kept for the few.
It is no longer a secret and is a tool for everyone who is ready for it, to be released from old beliefs and patterns that have been keeping us from enjoying and living our full potential for lifetimes.

You now have the opportunity to make your physical experience a more enjoyable one.

This is what I do every day, working with clients and I am SO excited to be able to assist others in becoming free and returning to their highest path and purpose.

And I offer this service untill the 10th of oct. at a discount to readers of this blog.

Do you wish to recieve a reading of your akashic records, clearing old blocks and restricktions that keep you from living the life that you long for. If you wish you can recieve a description of your soulgroup, souls training, soul specializations, are there negative guides on your team or entities causing disruption.
We can focus on what ever you like or let your guide team chose the most relevant.
You will recieve a written description of what has been cleared for you, answers to your questions or soul qualities ect.

Until the 10th of october I offer to blog readers only, 1/2 hour written sessions to a ekstra low price.

Special price for blog readers : 30 euro (Normally 55).

Go ahead and order your reading right now:


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why is forgiveness so important to our growth? + tips on how to do it

Forgiveness is the basis of our release from the ego and all pain that comes from identifying with it - that means all discomfort that we experience in this life.

This is such a big subject, but let´s see how it goes...

When we start our journey of releasing the power of the ego, we are actually working with forgiveness. At some stage we will also have to take a look at forgiveness in it´s classic terms.
There is a lot that we can forgive and there is always something to forgive as long as we are incarnated here on earth.
We can forgive others and our selves for our mistakes and shortcomings, but we can also forgive circumstances, life and God. Whatever upsets us, we can forgive.

And what then is forgiveness? I grew up catholic and learned about forgiveness as something a good person was able to do regardless. And that forgivness was something like choosing to forget.
Now I was not a good catholic in the way I was taught, cause I was not too good at forgiving. I was mostly lead by emotions and found it much too difficult to "forget" or let´s call it surpress my anger, pain or irritation. Others I knew were much better at this.

I have grown to understand that my idea of forgiveness was mistaken. I now see that it requires actually even more bravery than I thought. It actually means to let go within the heart, of all beliefs that I am seperate to another person or thing. Release the thought that one of us is guilty, wrong or right. After that be willing to open my heart to the situation and express my self only from love. And now I don´t mean with lovy dovy words necessarily, but in a way that is true to me and caring towards the other, only intending the best for all, still being honest and always taking full ownership of every aspect. Not taking 100% ownership is not total forgiveness - and that even when from an objective perspective, we have been treated "unfairly".

An indicator for me is experiencing an inclusive and grateful sensation, after forgiving fully.

The other day, I practiced forgiveness in a situation where I felt my love was not recieved and even rejected. My first reaction, was to want to push the other person away and use words to make him feel guilty. That would have been the easiest thing to do.
I had just asked for an opportunity to learn more about the bravery of forgivness, so of course I grabbed it.
I wrote him an honest email, not sending it before I was sure it was clear of ANY ego driven desire.

The gift I recieved in return, had actually nothing to do with him or his respons(which was very loving). I experienced my heart opening up in a way I haven´t tried before. The light inside it was like laser rays that can heal my self and others. I am already a healer, but this was heart energy clearer than ever.

What forgivness gave me this time was freedom from restriction of my mind and instead an experience of deep satisfaction, love and healing. As good as flying : )

All pain that we experience in life is caused by the guilt that we believe to be true, which comes from the ego. Guilt relating back to the original seperation from God. The belief of us all being seperate units is the illusion we suffer from here on earth.
We have forgotten the love, oneness and freedom that we already are. Instead we spend most of our time trying to satisfy the mind, which never rests and never finds what it is looking for.

As long as we believe what the ego is telling us, we will search forever for release and freedom and never find it. This is how the ego works, as it needs to keep going, figuring out new distractions from our being. Or it will die.

We need to begin listening to our heart. And by heart I don´t mean pink ribbons and fluffy words like beloved brother, healing light and flowers. When I say heart, I mean intuition or divine intention. This is a place and a voice inside us that speaks much softer and lower than the loud voice of the ego, which speaks constantly if allowed. We just need to train our inner ear into listening to the right radio station, so to speak.

When we tune into the intuition station, we will at some stage naturally be guided to act and chose forgiveness, even in those situations where it seems most unfair or we feel most right.
Then we realize that it is truly for our own good to forgive. Not only to set us free from limiting emotions, but really to start living within the light, instead of chasing it always in hope of something better.

Forgivness has nothing to do with the other and everything to do with what we chose to believe in. The ego or our divinity. We can not hold both within at the same time. So if we are selfrightious, feeling better than, worse than, guilty, stubborn ect. we are not in that moment aware of our divinity. And all temporary satisfaction is a cop out, from what was really ours to begin with.

What to do when blocked by resentment or pain? I will share with you how I do it:

-Determining what I need to forgive is easy. Something that makes me feel unsatisfied.
-Then just start breathing. Don´t think just breathe into the feeling that makes you uncomfortable.
-Chose the intention that you wish to let the belief go, that anyone is wrong in the situation.
-Write a letter expressing your self honestly. Detect any self pity, selfrightiousness, guilt or placing of guilt/pain. Keep rewriting till your letter is totally loving and grateful to the other. Feel gratitude within your heart for being taught something new and important and feel gratitude for the oportunity to open up even more to an understandig of your self. You don´t need to send the letter.

I wish for you a heart full of love. A love that is not directed towards a target, but just as a light within you that naturally shines out all around and heals whatever it touches.

Blessings Anneli


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is oneness a boring subject?

Just chatting yesterday with friends about oneness. We agreed that we all at some stage had had the reaction of "Oh no, how boring" if any one mentioned the cliché that we are all one ect.

We had all been trying to grasp the idea mentally and finding no understanding of it at all, other than it was a very nice thought and a concept that some admirable people could believe in and act on.
But yes, other than understanding how to treat others like one wanted to be treated, the concept of oneness was something I would immediately shy away from, bored to pieces.

One of my teachers has been talking about this concept for years and I have heard about this concept since I was 15. Not till a few months ago, it all dawned on me. I didn´t suddently understand it in the way I had tried to before. NO it was an experience of the illusion of seperation evaporating during meditation and what was left was a consciousness of oneness filling my whole being. That would be how I´d best describe it.
You know this loneliness we all carry around with us, from thinking that there is them and me. "I need to take care of my self/protect myself", "Am I good enough?", "Am I more or less valuable than others?" ect. All the old repeated thoughts of the ego, that we know so well. This is where we think we are separate from each other, and we need "look good" and take care of our chosen role in the world. All this is just an illusion covering up the reality of oneness.

Oneness cannot be understood in the mental, it is to be experienced. Although my experinece shows me that it takes a whole amount of clearing out of ego domination. I spent years on this and probably will the rest of my life. The ego is here to stay : ).
Although now I can practice being quiet long enough for the voice  and  presence of spirit and to pass through to my daily consciousness.

I see how blocks and restrictions from this and previous lifetimes are like noise in and around us, keeping us from being able to hear the wisdom of our soul. It is as simple as that.
Clearing out our karma, which is now possible though the akashic records and other methods, helps us to open up to our higher self and gives us clarity to hear the voice of our intuition.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for me finally being able to know who I am, why I came and granting me moment of knowing that I am one with all creation.

This knowing is available to everyone who wants it.

Love Anneli

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Connecting to your higher self and intuition

"Trust your intuition" used to be such a cliche for me. I always had a good intuition in some situations, even totally knew all that was going on behind words and actions. Still I kept on making choices that didn´t seem to work or bring me forward. In many ways there was a lot of struggeling going on.

One fine day i was given a session with an akashic reader and healer which totally changed my whole existence. Arg! I wish that it was possible to explain in words what this has ment.

First of all I was working in the music industry and having great succes as a pop singer. From one month to another I did not want to perform any more, I just wanted to be an akashic reader my self and do this work for others.

To be honest my life has been full of drama, uncontrolable emotions, a broken heart, unhappines and just emotional PAIN. The story is too long to tell. I never could concieve of the thought of it not being like this, still a part of me is a fighter. Working on myself intensly since the age of 15 one day I met this healing technique that just transforms physical life completely in a way that goes beyond my wildest dreams.

How does it work?

Spirit does not want us to suffer. We are here to learn lessons that can be challenging, but suffering is what we bring on to our selves.
In the well guarded akashic records all information can be found about every single soul. Everything that we have said, felt, done and thought. In this place we can uncover the reasons for our suffering. These reasons are mostlly found in previous lifetimes or earlier on in this life, where we have made choices and engaged with negativity, which can have a major impact on us. The ball is now roling and sometimes bringing us even more away from our highest path and purpose, making us unhappy and frustrated.

To remove these obstacles from our life, we can uncover them in the records and ask spirit to clear the blocks. This is done imediately and we are just to integrate the new freedom.

Since I began working as an akashic reader my self I have watched som many people transform their lives completely and connect to their soul on a level that they never knew posible.

Clearing blocks helps us connect to our selves again

For me besides creating a empowered new way of being, I have experienced how removing old blocks has given me a strong connection to my soul self and my intuition. Now I just instinctively know which way to go, what choice serves me and where I defenately don´t want to use my energy. I see now that before I was making choices from my ego and out of fear. Now sometimes my choices seem strange at first, but then they bring me places I never thought possible.

We are all ment to be connected to our higher self and intuition. Somehow along the way, many of us got a bit lost here on earth and forgot who we were and what served us.
The good news is that we always have the opportunity to choose something new. Spirit is speeding up the process to raise the energy on this planet. We need to raise our vibration and this is a great way to do it.

Love and blessings


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mini readings

Support me in spreading the love

As I would love what I offer to reach as many as possible, I ask for your support in spreading the love :-)
Please do so by "liking" this page and allowing even more people to draw information and support from this site. If you wish I will gladly show my gratitude by offering you a FREE mini-reading.

In this section you can go ahead and ask for guidance from your guides or higher self on a subject of your or their choice.
This is not a full reading but a mini reading, for you to ask a question about soulgroup, startravellers, blocks, challenges or whatever is up for you. Please just ask only 1-2 questions at a time. To keep up with all the questions, I cannot answer more than 1 max 2 questions pr. person. at a time.
For a personal and more in depth session go to my website, for details.

Hi guys

Sorry for not being able to respond to all of your questions. The interest in the free mini-readings, has been so huge and I simply haven't had enough time for all the questions.
I must close for now, so that only blog members can leave qeustions at this time.

Love and blessings Anneli

Press the "like" button and enter your question and name as a comment.
Please note that I need this info to read your akashic records, so for the sake of clarity, questions without name will be deleted.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Blessings Anneli