Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why is forgiveness so important to our growth? + tips on how to do it

Forgiveness is the basis of our release from the ego and all pain that comes from identifying with it - that means all discomfort that we experience in this life.

This is such a big subject, but let´s see how it goes...

When we start our journey of releasing the power of the ego, we are actually working with forgiveness. At some stage we will also have to take a look at forgiveness in it´s classic terms.
There is a lot that we can forgive and there is always something to forgive as long as we are incarnated here on earth.
We can forgive others and our selves for our mistakes and shortcomings, but we can also forgive circumstances, life and God. Whatever upsets us, we can forgive.

And what then is forgiveness? I grew up catholic and learned about forgiveness as something a good person was able to do regardless. And that forgivness was something like choosing to forget.
Now I was not a good catholic in the way I was taught, cause I was not too good at forgiving. I was mostly lead by emotions and found it much too difficult to "forget" or let´s call it surpress my anger, pain or irritation. Others I knew were much better at this.

I have grown to understand that my idea of forgiveness was mistaken. I now see that it requires actually even more bravery than I thought. It actually means to let go within the heart, of all beliefs that I am seperate to another person or thing. Release the thought that one of us is guilty, wrong or right. After that be willing to open my heart to the situation and express my self only from love. And now I don´t mean with lovy dovy words necessarily, but in a way that is true to me and caring towards the other, only intending the best for all, still being honest and always taking full ownership of every aspect. Not taking 100% ownership is not total forgiveness - and that even when from an objective perspective, we have been treated "unfairly".

An indicator for me is experiencing an inclusive and grateful sensation, after forgiving fully.

The other day, I practiced forgiveness in a situation where I felt my love was not recieved and even rejected. My first reaction, was to want to push the other person away and use words to make him feel guilty. That would have been the easiest thing to do.
I had just asked for an opportunity to learn more about the bravery of forgivness, so of course I grabbed it.
I wrote him an honest email, not sending it before I was sure it was clear of ANY ego driven desire.

The gift I recieved in return, had actually nothing to do with him or his respons(which was very loving). I experienced my heart opening up in a way I haven´t tried before. The light inside it was like laser rays that can heal my self and others. I am already a healer, but this was heart energy clearer than ever.

What forgivness gave me this time was freedom from restriction of my mind and instead an experience of deep satisfaction, love and healing. As good as flying : )

All pain that we experience in life is caused by the guilt that we believe to be true, which comes from the ego. Guilt relating back to the original seperation from God. The belief of us all being seperate units is the illusion we suffer from here on earth.
We have forgotten the love, oneness and freedom that we already are. Instead we spend most of our time trying to satisfy the mind, which never rests and never finds what it is looking for.

As long as we believe what the ego is telling us, we will search forever for release and freedom and never find it. This is how the ego works, as it needs to keep going, figuring out new distractions from our being. Or it will die.

We need to begin listening to our heart. And by heart I don´t mean pink ribbons and fluffy words like beloved brother, healing light and flowers. When I say heart, I mean intuition or divine intention. This is a place and a voice inside us that speaks much softer and lower than the loud voice of the ego, which speaks constantly if allowed. We just need to train our inner ear into listening to the right radio station, so to speak.

When we tune into the intuition station, we will at some stage naturally be guided to act and chose forgiveness, even in those situations where it seems most unfair or we feel most right.
Then we realize that it is truly for our own good to forgive. Not only to set us free from limiting emotions, but really to start living within the light, instead of chasing it always in hope of something better.

Forgivness has nothing to do with the other and everything to do with what we chose to believe in. The ego or our divinity. We can not hold both within at the same time. So if we are selfrightious, feeling better than, worse than, guilty, stubborn ect. we are not in that moment aware of our divinity. And all temporary satisfaction is a cop out, from what was really ours to begin with.

What to do when blocked by resentment or pain? I will share with you how I do it:

-Determining what I need to forgive is easy. Something that makes me feel unsatisfied.
-Then just start breathing. Don´t think just breathe into the feeling that makes you uncomfortable.
-Chose the intention that you wish to let the belief go, that anyone is wrong in the situation.
-Write a letter expressing your self honestly. Detect any self pity, selfrightiousness, guilt or placing of guilt/pain. Keep rewriting till your letter is totally loving and grateful to the other. Feel gratitude within your heart for being taught something new and important and feel gratitude for the oportunity to open up even more to an understandig of your self. You don´t need to send the letter.

I wish for you a heart full of love. A love that is not directed towards a target, but just as a light within you that naturally shines out all around and heals whatever it touches.

Blessings Anneli



  1. Wauw! This is powerful stuff Anneli.
    Thank you for sharing! :-)

    Love, Anna

  2. i agree as well... keep up the good work anneli =)

    much love and light

  3. Thank you guys for your support. It means a lot, especially today.

    Love Anneli


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