Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is it difficult being pysical?

"We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience", has been said many times and is so very true. But are we spiritual beings who are happy to be having a physical experience?

Many starseeds and beings from other origins than earth are having a hard time adjusting and accepting life as it is in the physical.

We originally came to earth to help and came with a different/higher vibration than what was present here. We came here with unique gifts that we wished to share with this planet and humanity. This wish was so strong that we were willing to come all the way from our precious homes far away, to incarnate in an unknown place which was under great negative impact.

What happened when we began incarnating here, was for most of us not at all what we expected!!

Through history people with different beliefs, thoughts, actions and vibrations have rarely been welcome. Actually, this time in history is one of the few times where it is not dangerous to be different. 
Most starseeds that I met, have in their past lives suffered a great deal of pain and many even torture and death, for being different and practicing spirituality in a different way. These experiences are most times kept in our soulmemory as shock or trauma. And in this way energy gets stuck in our system and keeps us repeating old patterns that come from these past experiences of terror.

What I experience a lot in my practice is lightworkers who are afraid or unaible to access their true powers or really step into power, working in this world as healers or what ever they are called for. A common way that we protect our selves is to not allow our selves to become conscious of our dreams an wishes for this life time, as we on a soul level believe it to be dangerous.

In every day life many of us also experience the grief of being afraid of being visible as who we are. Hiding, being ashamed, feeling judged, left out, unwanted for being different.
Guess what! You are different : ) We need to surrender to being different, because this was our gift to begin with. If we were not any different from the souls who were here on earth allready, we would not be of much help.

Many times starseed turn out to have even more trauma in their system than earthers. This due to past life/current life experiences of being different. This trauma shows up as blocks and restricktions in our lives. Fear, anger ,hiding, closed hearts and negativity showing up in our life experience.

For me a typical pattern would be, that my projects used to ALWAYS look like they were going to be a great succes, just untill the last minute, where they ALWAYS in some magical way failed. A very frustrating experience indeed, which left me devistated and really tired of this physical life experience.
This was do to beliefs that I was a failure and that my gifts were not of any use to any one. So I actually managed to sabotage my self constantly, totally unknowingly.

By working in the akashic records I have experinced how we can uncover the past experiences that cause grief in our lives and after uncovering them we can ask for them to be cleared from our records.
At first it seemed to good to be true. Until I and later on my clients had the experience of negativity just disapearing from our lives layer for layer as causes were uncovered in our records.

Akashic record work is an old spiritual tool that I and others have worked with in several past incarnations, in Egypt, India and other places. In many cases it was kept secret or kept for the few.
It is no longer a secret and is a tool for everyone who is ready for it, to be released from old beliefs and patterns that have been keeping us from enjoying and living our full potential for lifetimes.

You now have the opportunity to make your physical experience a more enjoyable one.

This is what I do every day, working with clients and I am SO excited to be able to assist others in becoming free and returning to their highest path and purpose.

And I offer this service untill the 10th of oct. at a discount to readers of this blog.

Do you wish to recieve a reading of your akashic records, clearing old blocks and restricktions that keep you from living the life that you long for. If you wish you can recieve a description of your soulgroup, souls training, soul specializations, are there negative guides on your team or entities causing disruption.
We can focus on what ever you like or let your guide team chose the most relevant.
You will recieve a written description of what has been cleared for you, answers to your questions or soul qualities ect.

Until the 10th of october I offer to blog readers only, 1/2 hour written sessions to a ekstra low price.

Special price for blog readers : 30 euro (Normally 55).

Go ahead and order your reading right now:


1 comment:

  1. I highly recommend this session with Anneli.
    She is a wonderful healer with a pure heart, and this session can do wonders in your life.
    She gave med a session last year and I am deeply grateful. It has changed my life.




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